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  •  Date of update:2024-07-01
  1.  Securities & Futures Trading

    (1) Planning, research, analysis, investment, management and trading relating to marketable securities and securities finance, as well as financial, business auditing or the introduction of new techniques

    (2) Futures trading, investment, analysis, as well as financial, business auditing or the introduction of new techniques

  2. Financial industry: deposits, credit, investment, trusts, foreign exchange and other financial businesses recognized by the Central Competent Authority and central authority in charge of the target industry, as well as planning, research & analysis, management & consulting of the aforementioned business, business auditing, risk management or the introduction of new techniques.

  3.  Insurance industry: Claims for life or property insurance, approval of insurance policy, actuary, investment, information, re-insurance, insurance brokerage, insurance agent, training, notarization, engineering, risk management or the introduction of new techniques.

  4.  Assisting business accounting affairs.

  5.  Assisting with business specified in the Certified Public Accountant Act.