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  •  Date of update:2024-03-13

Foreign professional qualifications

To be designated a foreign professional an individual should receive an average monthly salary of at least NT$47,971 (see Ministry of Labor announcement Laotungfakuantzu No. 10605154981 issued on August 14, 2017) and meet one of the following conditions:

1. Have participated in the manufacture of a product that won an international related award (such as the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film)
2. Four years or more work experience in the foreign digital content industry and two years or more teaching experience at an international teaching institution (international teaching institution: Vancouver Film School)
3. Any other internationally renowned professional, specially approved after consultations between the Ministry of Labor and central competent authority for the target industry.

Employer qualifications

Employers must be registered as a short-term cram school, in accordance with the provisions of the Supplementary Education Act, and meet the following conditions:  

1. Must be a corporate entity.
2. Must have signed a cooperative contract with an international teaching institution. However, this requirement is waived when an employer is determined to have made a substantive contribution to the cultivation of domestic talent after consultations between the Ministry of Labor and central competent authority for the target industry.